Empathy & Emotion Workshop with Emma Douglas

This workshop included some preparatory work, and functioned via an anonymous correspondence and response process. Participants were asked to engage by visually communicating an event that had caused them to need empathy, and provoked a strong emotional response, such as grief. The work was then sent anonymously to another participant who made a visual work in response to the received work.

The online group session was used to reveal and discuss the work sent and received. Each participant talked first about the image they received and then the work they made in response. At this point the artist who sent the first image revealed themselves, and was able to explain further about their first image. The cohort then used this time to discuss and critique before moving on to the next artist and images.

Images left to right, top to bottom:

Holly & Bea, Bea & Emma, Emma & Annabel, Annabel & Gemma, Gemma & Davina, Davina & Moose, Moose & paula, paula & Holly. Detail of paula’s fold-out collage creation.


Grief Gymnasium with Bea Denton