Lucy Willow (guest participant)

Lucy graduated from Falmouth College of Art in 2003 with first class BA Honors degree in Fine Art. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally, Lucy creates installations that include drawing, objects, video, sound, performance and spoken narrative to tell stories of loss and grief.

In 2018 Lucy received funding from FEAST and Cornwall Council for the project At Sea Again where a video installation was shown depicting the scattering of her son’s ashes off the coast of Cornwall in 2016. This project was selected to be part of the exhibition Many and Beautiful Things, Exchange Gallery, Penzance (2018). The film provoked a creative piece of writing in the form of a farewell letter read at a conference Remember me, The Changing Face of Memorialization in Hull 2018. 

In 2020 Lucy set up a project called DUST from a shop in Penzance. DUST is an artist led project space set up by Lucy Willow in 2020 operating from an old shop in Penzance.

The shop brings together artefacts, objects, artworks and research relating to death and grief. The shop borrows work to exhibit and sell by artists, writers and poets, relating to death and grief as a way to generate conversation. The aim is to create a multi-disciplined shop as a platform for conversation about death and our relationship to the dead to take place. These conversations are also initiated by events such as live streamed performance lectures, podcasts, death cafes and installations in the shop.




Helen Acklam


Lydia Heath