Annabel Pettigrew

Annabel’s practice is research and pilgrimage based. Using alternative spiritual theories, ritual arrangements, and Jungian archetypes Annabel divines pathways in her practice to create new working methodologies. Exploring the narratives surrounding an object’s, being’s, or site’s, physical presence in the material world and its alchemical transformation in an emotional or metaphysical context. Bodies of work evolve over long periods of time, relying on the timely process of synchronicity to inform next steps. 

Working across a variety of media, conversation and collaboration is at the core of the development and understanding of practice. 

Annabel founded Throes of Grief in 2020 following a return to her practice after a prolonged period of deep grief which transformed ways of being, making, seeing, and interacting with her work.

In 2021 Annabel was awarded the Art’s Council England DYCP grant for her project Throes of Grief: Collaborative Conversations; a period of research into the presence of grief in contemporary art practice, featuring collaborations with selected practitioners.



Emma Douglas